I have had the pleasure of being involved with Chickenshed since the mid-'80s, taking on various roles, including Children's and Youth Theatre Director, along with different positions dedicated to developing the company's education, training, and outreach efforts. As a teacher and trainer, I have worked across all sectors of education, from universities and further education to mainstream and special primary and secondary education. My constant aim has been to find ways to promote and advance inclusion and the integration of theatre and performing arts in teaching and learning practices. Being able to hold senior positions in both theatre and education is a privilege for which I am always grateful.
Currently, I manage the Education courses and Outreach programmes at Chickenshed, collaborating with colleagues. I also contribute to the training programme and oversee the essential safeguarding of children, young people, and vulnerable adults. My role on Chickenshed's Executive team ensures that the issues within the areas I manage are well-represented in the organisation's strategic development.
Furthermore, I contribute to Chickenshed's creative development whenever possible by engaging in writing, directing, and supporting the incredible creativity that thrives within the organisation.
Paul Morrall
Executive Director of Education Training, Outreach, Designated Safeguarding Lead