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Pre-Race Nerves

I had been incredibly nervous in the lead-up to the run - and when the forecast showed that race day would be unseasonably hot, I was even more nervous - I really struggle running in hot weather! However, getting down to the race village on Sunday morning and meeting up with some of the other Chickenshed runners during the warm-up made me feel more relaxed and positive.

Interested in running for Chickenshed?

Sun 13 Oct 2024 | Registration fee: £35 | Minimum Fundraising Target: £450

The Royal Parks Half Marathon route takes you through Hyde Park, Green Park, St. James's Park, and Kensington Gardens. Runners, get ready for breathtaking views at every turn and look forward to receiving your well deserved medal at the end!

Please note, Chickenshed places are allocated on a first come, first serve basis upon meeting the eligible criteria.We can't wait to hear from you!

The Race and The Heat

There was a fantastic vibe to the whole event, and by the time my ‘wave’ was called to make our way to the start, I was eager to get going. The first hour passed in a blur of London landmarks and incredible cheering and encouragement from supporters and charities who lined the route. It was during the second hour when the heat began to take its toll, and no matter how many cups of water I chucked over my head, I couldn’t cool down!

Emotional Finish

I was continually buoyed by the vocal support of strangers, and my family, who tracked me around the course to make sure they cheered me on at various points. The last half an hour was one of the toughest experiences I’ve ever gone through, and there were points where I honestly believed I wouldn’t make it, or that it would actually ever end… every part of me ached. Pushing through until the end felt incredibly emotional, and after downing the energy drink, water, and banana handed out to race finishers, I have to admit that I was in floods of tears - I couldn’t believe I’d actually done it.

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