What happens at Youth Theatre?
The space is created for members to collaborate with peers and Young Company Directors to develop their own productions throughout the year with multiple projects running at any one time. The group also has the opportunity to work on a main house public performance!
Further training
Our Youth Theatre members also have the opportunity for further training through the Young Creators programme in many areas of our work including:
• Creative Sign Language
• Additional Creative Skills development
• Stage Production and Theatre Design training
• Mentor roles with the Children’s Theatre programme
"I used to be a member at Chickenshed, It was absolutely amazing. Not only do you feel included, you feel part of a bigger something - a play, a story. Backstage you make so many friends, including people with a different disability to you, or none. Real friends that you learn to trust and last a lifetime."
Apply for a place
Apply for Young Company
Interested in your child being part of our YouthTheatre?
Taster days
Chickenshed also run Youth Theatre Taster Days throughout the year so you can meet the team and explore the way we work.
Youth Theatre Taster Days
There are many other opportunities to get involved with Chickenshed!