The Top-Up Year Programme ‘Inclusive Theatre - From Performance to Project' builds on achievements and learning outcomes from previous study at Degree level, allowing students to achieve a full BA (Hons) in Inclusive Performance.
In recent years Chickenshed has developed a strong reputation both nationally and internationally for creating successful issue-based performance work that has had a real and lasting impact. By joining this course you will become part of a team that continues to make a difference to people through theatre.
You will be trained by industry professionals and will tour your devised issue-based theatre performances, as well as having the opportunity to perform in two of Chickenshed’s public performances and much much more.
"I feel very proud to be a part of Chickenshed. It has taught me so much and has given me fantastic opportunities that I will always be grateful for - from writing my own plays to performing in Helsinki!"

Student experiences
"I loved performing our piece and sharing it with literally hundreds of people"
Applications are still open for September 2023
Create Impactful Theatre
What is the BA (Hons) Inclusive Performance course?
The third Year of Degree Study which when added to a two year Foundation Degree or HND course, will make up a full BA (Hons) in Inclusive Performance.
Who are the most likely people to apply and enrol on this course?
• Students on our current Foundation Degree.
• Past Foundation Degree Graduates who want to finish their degree with Chickenshed.
• Less likely, but still possible, would be students graduating from other Foundation Degree Courses/HND or transferring after the Second Year of another BA course.
What does the Course consist of?
Module 1 - Devising for Target Group Performance
Module 2 - Inclusive Theatre Project Research and Delivery
Module 3 - Professional Employability and Placement Module
What will the Course cost?
Fees for 2022/23 are £6000, Fees for 2023/24 are to be confirmed.
How can students apply?
Applications are made directly to Chickenshed via the website.
Is the BA Top Up Year a separate qualification?
Yes, the Foundation Degree and BA (Hons) Top Up are two separate Courses and Qualifications.
Will my support continue?
As on most University courses, third years students need to take a step up in terms of managing themselves as a Devising, Performing, Project Managing Group with staff taking another few steps back.